Finance and Funding

Log in or subscribe today to access these resources Guides • Bank Reconciliation – How to Do It: A step by step guide on how to carry out a bank reconciliation. • Credit Unions: What a credit union is and why and how a community organisation might consider promoting the establishment of one in their area. • […]

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  • Bank Reconciliation – How to Do It: A step by step guide on how to carry out a bank reconciliation.
  • Credit Unions: What a credit union is and why and how a community organisation might consider promoting the establishment of one in their area.
  • Funding and Tips for Preparing Funding Bids: The information sheet provides an overview of issues community organisations should consider prior to seeking funding. It gives guidance on preparing funding bids and also lists sources of guidance and support.
  • Gift Aid and Gift Aid Declaration Form: This information sheet explains what Gift Aid is and how to go about reclaiming the tax made on donations. It also provides a sample Gift Aid Declaration Form for use when receiving donations.
  • Independent Examination of Accounts: A basic outline of how to prepare for an independent examination of accounts, and how to appoint an independent examiner.
  • Reporting and Accounting by Charities: A brief guide for trustees of community organisations to the accounting and reporting regulations for charities.
  • Trading Activities and Tax – What You Need to Know: This technical guidance note aims to clarify the types and extent of trading that may be conducted by community associations without infringing their charitable status and it explains the implications of tax liability.
  • What to Do if Your Community Building is Threatened with Cuts: What community organisations can do if their community building is threatened with cuts or other funding problems: from negotiating and campaigning to using the Compact and Public Law.

Sample Documents

  • Sample Balance Sheet: This specimen document is an example of a balance sheet.
  • Sample Budget Sheet: This specimen document is an example of a budget sheet for a community organisation.
  • Sample Financial Rules: This document sets out an example of the financial rules that could be adopted by a community organisation.

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