17th January – Effective Bid Writing
Do you struggle writing successful funding bids? This session will take you through the key practical steps in describing the essential elements of your project, to tell funders what they need to know.
As you create new projects, or adapt them, how can you check whether they are making the difference that you want them to?
Trusts and givers want to know that their money makes a difference, but how do you prove it?
7th February – Operational Plans
The uncertainty of the past few months has required many of us to think on our feet and quickly adapt our services and projects to deal with the pandemic crisis. There has never been a time when it has been more important to take a step back, review, access and then plan the way forwards.
21st February – The Essential Trustee
This short session is designed for Trustees of charities to help understand their role, responsibilities and duties.
7th March – How to use Canva for Social Media
Canva is the great free-to-use online graphic design tool which you can use to create great graphics as well as presentations and videos amongst other things.
This workshop will cover how you can make use of Canva to create interesting looking graphics for different social media platforms. We’ll look at the tools used in Canva to help kickstart your digital social media.
This session run by the Community Accountants at HSl Accountancy will look at what is Gift Aid and what you can claim for. It will also look at the mechanics of making claims.
Whether you’re looking to get started with email marketing, or looking to expand your existing networks and reach, this is the workshop for you. There are 3.8 billion email users worldwide. Email is 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined when it comes to connecting with your audience.
The workshop will look at:
- Setting up Mailchimp
- Working with templates, and building your own
- Testing campaigns (emails) before sending
- Sending campaigns to your subscribers
- Evaluating your results
25th April – Introduction to Policies and Procedures
Some polices are a legal requirement, others are good practice. As your organisation grows, others are simply to help you keep track of your organisation. This session will help you review your existing policies to see where there are areas that you might want to develop
9th May – Safeguarding for Trustees and Community Buildings
This session will look at the legislation, and what trustees need to know and do. It will also look at how best to apply it in a community building setting where you may be hiring space but have little direct interaction with the vulnerable people attending the activities.
23rd May – Reserves what are they and how to calculate them
Reserves are a critical element when building small charity resilience. However, they are often, for very valid reasons, miscalculated. The session will look at Why we hold reserves, how to calculate reserves, what a good reserves policy looks like and how to report on reserves.
12th June – Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity – are you about to review your equality and diversity policy and you’ve spotted that newer templates have ‘inclusion’ as an addition and you’re not sure what to do? Or are you setting up a new organisation and want to follow best practise? This session will look at the mechanics of these terms and how to check you’re applying them to your organisation.
27th June – Health & Safety – Risk assessments
This session is for anyone who is new to health and safety and looks at the basics of assessing risks, why we need to do this, and what to do once you’ve assessed the risk.
4th July – How to Take Minutes
Minute taking – Dark art or not really that difficult? This introductory session helps outline the fundamentals of effective minute taking.
We now offer all our training online. As we are not having to pay for venues we are passing that saving on to you, so all of these courses will cost only £7.00 per person. or £5.00 per person for those organisations that have paid a membership subscription to Community matters
To book places either follow the links to the Eventbrite pages, or contact admin@communitymatters.org.uk