
Funding Fair 2021- Day 2

Building on the success of last year’s online funding fair we are doing something a little bigger this year over 3 days.

Publication date: 

Tuesday 23rd March is a day for Yorkshire and Humber funders

Wednesday 24th March is a day of national funders

Thursday 25th March is another day of national funders

How this will work is each funder has been allocated a 30 minute session using Zoom to explain what funding they have and also how the application process works. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. You will need to book separately for each session you wish to attend.

This is a FREE event but if you fancy helping us with the costs you can donate the cost of a coffee.


The funders attending so far are:

Session 1 Allen Lane Foundation 9:00 – 9:50

The Allen Lane Foundation is a grant-making trust which was established in 1966. The founder was Sir Allen Lane, who set up the publishing company Penguin Books. We award funding for charitable purposes across the UK. Our focus is on funding ‘unpopular causes’ and we currently make grants towards seven specific beneficiary groups. In January 2019 we launched a new Social Cohesion programme

Session 2 lloyds bank foundation 10:00 – 10:50

We have committed to funding at least 700 charities at any one time, for longer, more flexibly and with more money. We will provide a wide range of developmental support, including training, consultancy and mentoring alongside our funding to strengthen charities.

Session 3 Children in Need 11:00 – 11:50

BBC Children in Need’s vision is that children and young people in the UK have a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential. Our role in achieving this vision is by making grants to charities and other non-profit organisations that support and work with children and young people who are disadvantaged and face challenges in their lives..

Session 4 Tudor Trust 12:00 – 12:50

Tudor makes grants, and provides other types of support, to voluntary and community groups working in any part of the UK. We particularly want to help smaller, community-led organisations that work directly with people who are at the margins of society: organisations that support positive changes in people’s lives and in their communities.

Session 5 Henry Smith 13:00- 13:50

The Henry Smith Charity aims to bring about lasting change to people’s lives, helping them to benefit from and contribute to society. We achieve this by funding organisations that work with people to reduce social and economic disadvantage. We want to help people for whom other sources of support have failed, been inappropriate or are simply not available. To achieve this we aim to make grants that work towards one or more of our key values.

  • Increasing resilience
  • Creating opportunities and life chances
  • Empowering communities

Session 6 The National Lottery Community Fund 14:00 – 14:50

The National Lottery Community Fund aims to support ideas and projects that matter to people and communities. Using funding and relationships to help create stronger, more connected communities, the National Lottery Community Fund distributes over £600m a year to communities across the UK, raised by players of The National Lottery.

Session 7 Good Things Foundation     15:00- 15:50

The Foundation helps people to improve their lives through digital. We tackle the most pressing social issues of our time, working with partners in thousands of communities across the UK.