
Funding Fair 2021 – Day 3

Building on the success of last year’s online funding fair we are doing something a little bigger this year over 3 days.

Publication date: 

Tuesday 23rd March is a day for Yorkshire and Humber funders

Wednesday 24th March is a day of national funders

Thursday 25th March is another day of national funders

How this will work is each funder has been allocated a 30 minute session using Zoom to explain what funding they have and also how the application process works. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. You will need to book separately for each session you wish to attend.

This is a FREE event but if you fancy helping us with the costs you can donate the cost of a coffee.


The funders attending so far are:

Session 1 Key Fund 9:00 – 9:50

The Key Fund offers flexible loans and grant/loan packages to help the community and social enterprises to start up, become sustainable, or grow.

Session 2 The Foyle Foundation 10:00 – 10:50

The Foyle Foundation is an independent grantmaking trust that distributes grants to UK charities. The Foundation does not support applications from individuals. The Foundation supports charities in three main areas:

  • Main Grants Scheme, supporting charities whose core work covers Arts and Learning
  • The Foyle School Library Scheme
  • Small Grants Scheme, supporting charities in all fields with a turnover of less than £150,000 per annum.

Session 3 Garfield Weston Foundation 11:00 – 11:50

The Foundation aims to be responsive to where need is greatest and therefore supports a wide range of charitable activity in the following categories:

  • Arts
  • Education
  • Youth
  • Health
  • Museums & Heritage
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Faith
  • Welfare

The foundation only makes grants to registered Charities and CIOs.

Session 4 Grantscape 12:00 – 12:50

We administer community funds (CF) on behalf of Local Authorities, large scale renewable energy developers including wind farms and solar farms, landfill operators (through the Landfill Communities Fund), and other renewable energy plants.

Grantscape funds are very geographically specific please check that you are in the correct area:

Or look at the Grantscape website.

Session 5 The National Lottery Heritage Fund 13:00- 13:50

We believe that understanding, valuing and sharing our heritage brings people together, inspires pride in communities and boosts investment in local economies. We distribute National Lottery grants from £3,000 to £5million and over, funding projects that sustain and transform the UK’s heritage Increasing resilience.

Session 6 Sport England 14:00- 14:50

We want everyone in England regardless of their age, background or level of ability to feel able to take part in sport and physical activity. But too often the people with the most to gain from being active are the least able to take part. That’s why we’re on a mission to address this injustice and transform sport and physical activity so that people and places everywhere can benefit. We do this by providing expertise, insight and funding that improves the nation’s long term physical and mental health. This session will now be delivered by  Team Beds and Luton, the “active partnership” for Bedfordshire and Luton.

Session 7  The Architectural Heritage Fund  15:00 – 15:50

We help communities across the UK find enterprising new ways to revitalise the old buildings they love. We provide advice, grants and loans, and our support acts as a catalyst for putting sustainable heritage at the heart of vibrant local economies.