
Funding Fair 2023 Day 3

Building on the success of last year’s online funding fair when we had over 2000 bookings across the 3 days. We are doing it all again with some new exciting funders for 2023   Monday13th March is a day for Yorkshire and Humber funders Tuesday 14th March is a day of national funders Wednesday 15th March is another […]

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Building on the success of last year’s online funding fair when we had over 2000 bookings across the 3 days. We are doing it all again with some new exciting funders for 2023  

Monday13th March is a day for Yorkshire and Humber funders

Tuesday 14th March is a day of national funders

Wednesday 15th March is another day of national funders

How this will work is each funder has been allocated a 30 minute session using Zoom to explain what funding they have and also how the application process works. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. You will need to book separately for each session you wish to attend.

This is a FREE event but if you fancy helping us with the costs you can donate the cost of a coffee.


The funders attending so far are:

Day 3- Session 1 9:00 – 10:00 : Key Fund 

The Key Fund offers flexible loans and grant/loan packages to help the community and social enterprises to start up, become sustainable, or grow. 

Day 3- Session 2 10:00 – 11:00 : Good Things Foundation 

The Foundation helps people to improve their lives through digital. We tackle the most pressing social issues of our time, working with partners in thousands of communities across the UK. 

Day 3- Session 3 11:00 – 12:00 : Easyfundraising 

Easyfundraising is the UK’s biggest charity shopping site where you can raise money for your good cause when your supporters shop on line. easyfundraising turns everyday online shopping into free donations for your cause – your supporters shop as normal (but start on your easyfundraising cause page), and then retailers will make a small donation to say “thank you”.  

If you would like to set up your free easyfundraising page before the session, you can do that here 

Day 3- Session 4 12:00 – 13:00 : Clothworkers Foundation 

The Clothworkers’ Foundation improves the lives of people and communities – particularly those facing disadvantage, deprivation and/or discrimination – through grant-making. The Foundation was set up in 1977 to be the primary vehicle of charitable giving for The Clothworkers’ Company. Since then, The Foundation has awarded more than £152 million in capital grants to charities registered in the UK or not-for-profit organisations working across the nine areas of priority defined in its Main and Small Grants programme. 

Day 3- Session 5: Co-op Local Community Fund 

Funding is available to local charities and grass-roots community organisations to maintain and enhance vital community projects through Co-op’s Local Community Fund which comes from the money raised when Co-op members buy own-brand products and services. In addition, Co-op and Crowdfunder have teamed-up to unlock additional funding as now Local Community Fund grants are able to count on Crowdfunder’s website towards match funding. 

Day 3- Session 6 14:00 – 15:00 : Arts Council  

The arts council have a wide range of funding opportunities from small grants for individuals and organisations to larger developmental grants for arts and culture projects and more beyond this. This is an opportunity to understand how the Arts Council might be part of your funding mix.   

Day 3- Session 7 15:00 – 16:00: Heritage Lottery Fund 

We believe that understanding, valuing and sharing our heritage brings people together, inspires pride in communities and boosts investment in local economies. We distribute National Lottery grants from £3,000 to £5million and over, funding projects that sustain and transform the UK’s heritage Increasing resilience.