
Training Courses 2021

Below is the training that Community Matters is offering until June 2021.

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Talking to each other effectively is something that at times needs careful planning to avoid making a situation worse. This session will go through some helpful tips to prepare for difficult conversations, and look at the conversations themselves

There is a wide range of not for profit structures ranging from registered charities to community interest companies. They all have specific benefits, and some drawbacks.

This session will look at the main structures, and explain the benefits and issues associated with each of them.

This session will look at the legislation, and how best to apply it in a Community Building setting where you may be hiring space but have little direct interaction with the vulnerable people attending the activities.

As you create new projects, or adapt them, how can you check whether they are making the difference that you want them to?

Trusts and givers want to know that their money makes a difference, but how do you prove it?

This short session is designed for Trustees of charities to help understand their role, responsibilities and duties.

Some polices are a legal requirement, others are good practice. As your organisation grows, others are simply to help you keep track of your organisation. This session will help you review your existing policies to see where there are areas that you might want to develop

Do you struggle writing successful funding bids? This session will take you through the key practical steps in describing the essential elements of your project, to tell funders what they need to know

Strategic plans are one of the key documents as an organisation starts to grow, especially in the current climate where organisations have to search wider for funding. A good strategic plan helps keep an organisation grounded in its work, and should help prevent mission drift.

This session is for anyone who is new to health and safety and looks at the basics of assessing risks, why we need to do this, and what to do once you’ve assessed the risk.

This workshop will look at marketing – things you can do on a shoestring to promote your organisation, and some tips to possibly improve what you do already

You should treat employing new staff with the same enthusiasm and rigour that you use when buying your favourite new thing. You will rely on this person to contribute effectively to the success of your organisation. Time spent getting the right individual will be invaluable to you later on, and avoid both parties being dissatisfied.

To book places either go to the associated Eventbrite page or contact admin@community-matters.org.uk All courses cost £5 per place and will be delivered online via Zoom.