19th September – Having Difficult Conversations
Talking to each other effectively is something that at times needs careful planning to avoid making a situation worse. This session will go through some helpful tips to prepare for difficult conversations and look at the conversations themselves.
3rd October – Management Accounts for Small Organisations
What do management accounts look like and why should you do them? The session will look at:
- why we do them,
- how to do them,
- when to do them,
- what we do with them
This session is delivered by our colleagues at HSl Accountancy Solutions
12th October – Make Your Social Media More Effective
Do you get the most engagement from your Twitter, Facebook or your Instagram posts? Why do some posts get more clicks than others? How to increase engagement.
17th October – Safeguarding for Trustees and Community Buildings
This session will look at the legislation, and what Trustees need to know and do. It will also look at how best to apply it in a Community Building setting where you may be hiring space but have little direct interaction with the vulnerable people attending the activities.
7th November- GDPR and Data Security
Who is trying to access your data and what are the implications of this? Also, what can you do to make it more difficult for people to steal your data.
21st November – Strategic Plans
Strategic plans are one of the key documents as an organisation starts to grow, especially in the current climate where organisations have to search wider for funding. A good strategic plan helps keep an organisation grounded in its work and should help prevent mission drift.
5th December – The Essential Trustee
This short session is designed for Trustees of charities to help understand their role, responsibilities and duties.
We now offer all our training online. As we are not having to pay for venues we are passing that saving on to you, so all of these courses will cost only £7.00 per person. or £5.00 per person for those organisations that have paid a membership subscription to Community matters
To book places either follow the links to the Eventbrite pages, or contact admin@communitymatters.org.uk