Knowledge Bank

Knowledgebank of Information Here you can access our library of essential legal and technical information and guidance sheets, standard policy documents and legal templates which saves you time and gives you peace of mind. A handful of the resources are accessible free of charge, others will require you to be logged in as a subscriber. […]

Knowledgebank of Information

Here you can access our library of essential legal and technical information and guidance sheets, standard policy documents and legal templates which saves you time and gives you peace of mind. A handful of the resources are accessible free of charge, others will require you to be logged in as a subscriber.

Activities & Trading

Building Management

Children & Young People

Community Asset Transfer

Finance & Funding

Health & Safety

HR & Employment

Legal Structures & Charitable Status

Policy Matters

Running the Organisation

Setting up a Community Organisation

Trustees Roles & Responsabilities

Volunteers & Volunteering

Our low-cost subscription service consists of a technical advice service plus access to our up-to-date information and guidance sheets.

Expert email advice

As a member, you have access to our team of Community Advisers who will answer your technical queries on setting up or managing a community organisation or asset. Just send us a summary of the issue or problem you’re facing and we’ll do our best to give you a concise and practical response so that you can focus on the job at hand.

Knowledgebank of Information

As a member, you can access our library of essential legal and technical information sheets, standard policy documents and legal templates which saves you time and gives you peace of mind.


We offer a range of subscription prices depending on the size of your organisation. Click the relevant tariff to begin the subscription process.


Small organisation income under £30k


Organisation income between £30k and £250k


Organisation income between £250k and £500k


Organisation income over £500k, Individual Consultant or Community Federation


CVS/RCC/Volunteer Centre


Local Authority or Housing Association

Ready to dive in? Become a member today.

From just £25 per year you can subscribe to our services and get access to a knowledge bank of information as well as expert advice via email to support your organisation.